Some serious questions

Maybe you’ve had questions like these before: What on earth am I here for? What is waiting for me after this life? Who is God? How can you know God? Is there more than one way to God? Why do I need forgiveness for my sin? What exactly is sin? We would love to have an opportunity to help you with these questions. If you would like some answers and we are not available, please check out this link that has a great way of giving you immediate answers. www.gotquestions.org/Gospel-presentations.html

How do I become a Christian and a member of FBC?

Dawson Springs FBC is a group of Believers in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. To become a member, you must be a born-again believer of Jesus Christ and be baptized by immersion. If you would like to know how to become a believer, please do not hesitate to contact us and we will help explain from the Bible how you can come to know Jesus Christ personally and be a sincere follower of Him. Again, if you just need immediate answers here are two great sites to help you, but please contact us or come to a service so we can help you understand in person; www.sbc.net/knowjesus/theplan.asp or www.gotquestions.org/become-a-Christian.html.

If you are already a Believer, and would like to become a member, please contact our office or come and talk with our pastor to understand the process of becoming a member.

How do I enter the building for a service?

There are entrances on almost every side of our building, but we encourage all first-time guests to use the main entrance (the doors under the covered parking area facing Highway 109). As soon as you enter those doors there
is a Welcome Center with a greeter to show you around and answer any questions you may have.

Are my children of all ages welcome?

Of course they are, in fact, we have taken some extra steps to ensure a safe environment for them and have numerous activities and ministries for ages from infants to high school, young adults, and for those who are
children at heart. We have a dedicated hallway just for our nursery, pre-school, and elementary age kids. Our nursery, children, and youth workers are very competent, and well trained to care for your children. We take
your child’s safety very seriously and provide unlimited opportunities for them to learn about God.

Is your building secure?

At the beginning of our worship service, our security team will lock all entrances and help ensure safety. In the event of an emergency all exits are clearly marked and doors can be opened from the inside by a normal push
handle. If you are running late, there is always someone stationed at the main entrance doors.

Do you have a Connect Group (Sunday School class) for all ages?

Yes, we do! Being involved in a small group is the best way to get connected with our church and develop relationships with other Believers. We hope to see you Sunday @ 9:30

What time should I arrive?

If you are attending Connect Groups (Sunday School) come for a free breakfast every week from 9:00 – 9:20.
Our morning worship starts at 10:30, but we suggest you arrive at least 15 minutes before.

Which building do I go to for breakfast?

Our breakfast crew is incredible, and they will be happy to serve you and your family in the Life Center. The Life Center is the large building that is adjacent to the church building. If you stop by the Welcome Center which is located by the main entrance of the church building, we will ensure you get to the right place.

What to expect in a worship service?

We sing a variety of traditional hymns, as well as modern praise and worship songs. Each worship service is led by our praise team which consists of talented singers and musicians that greatly enhance the time of worship.

The Bible teaches us to pray and we are a praying church, so you can be assured prayer is a vital part of our services. Our pastor preaches a biblical message each week which can be applied to our lives and the world we live in today. Morning worship begins promptly at 10:30 so please arrive 10 – 15 minutes early.

What do I need to wear?

FBC does not have dress code. Please just wear clothing that you feel is appropriate and are comfortable in. You will see people wearing a coat and tie, business casual, dresses and high heels, while others will wear
shorts or blue jeans. This is a diverse group of folks who believe that the relationship we have with God through His Son Jesus Christ is much more important than what you wear. There is truly a place for you at Dawson
Springs FBC and we hope to see you soon!

If you have any other questions before you visit, please just contact our office 270-797-2091